Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hello humanity!!

Hello! As you can see, I'm new here, so I'll tell you about myself. 
I'm 15 years old (I'll turn 16 soon ;) ) I made this blog to post my opinions, which can be about almost anything, from One Direction (one of my favorite bands) to Power Rangers (one of my favorite shows). So if you read my blog, you will mostly read either happy thoughts or complaints. After all, I made this blog to share my thoughts to the world. ;) even if I'm sure 99% of total population will hate me for them. =/ 
I think that would be all for today. I'll type tomorrow, if I don't die from my cold. =/ I'll leave you with these picture. 

Yeah, and in case you haven't realized yet, I'm a girl. =) 

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