Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!! :)

Hey people!! Now before I post my complaints for today, I just want to say: Happy New Year!! I hope you're having a good time and all that. :)
Now, first order of business: fangirling... About Austin and Ally. :) I saw the crossover with Jessie and I loved it!! (Yeah, I saw it today for the first time, don't judge me) And I though about doing a crossover with Sonny with a Chance, I'm in the Band, Power Rangers RPM, Kamen Rider Fourze and Tensou Sentai Goseiger. (My favorite shows in the world =P) Yeah, I'm a weird combination.
Now, my complaints: is it me, or are the Power Rangers/Super Sentai fans are kind of hard to understand? I mean, first they say that the Disney-era sucks, then they go to watch SPD (just an example) Then, they say that Saban's the best, bla bla bla, then they send all their hate to Samurai. I mean, I don't understand them!! I'm a fan of both Power Rangers and Super Sentai, but I don't compare them like other people do.
Well, that's my opinion. Hate me if you want, but that's my opinion, and I had to tell the world.
Happy New Year!! ;)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

What's with the spandex?? =)

Hello people!! So my parents took me out to shop and I bought some new headphones!! But I was watching the Power Rangers Megaforce toys and I realized this had cards inside, just like the ones in Goseiger, and I asked myself 'Why don't they sell these ones apart, in some other package?'. Maybe they do, but my parents didn't let me look for them, so yeah... 
In other news, I realized that One Direction is everywhere. I mean, yeah, I love them, they are awesome, bla, bla, bla, but why do they sell 1D's clothes? I mean, pijamas? Seriously? Yeah, I think this is called 'taking things too far'. =/ 
And what else? Oh, yeah, I was going to post a blog yesterday, but m computer's having some troubles, so I ended up watching Gokaiger episodes in my iPod. Yeah, I wanted to talk to my cousins, but I think that I can't. 
So, I hope that you're having a good day!! Or night.... wherever you are!! =) 
Bye, bye. Peace out, suckers! (insert voice of Chad Dylan Cooper here) 
Ps. if you don't get half of the things I write, don't worry. I know I'm kinda strange... a weird mixup. ;) 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hello humanity!!

Hello! As you can see, I'm new here, so I'll tell you about myself. 
I'm 15 years old (I'll turn 16 soon ;) ) I made this blog to post my opinions, which can be about almost anything, from One Direction (one of my favorite bands) to Power Rangers (one of my favorite shows). So if you read my blog, you will mostly read either happy thoughts or complaints. After all, I made this blog to share my thoughts to the world. ;) even if I'm sure 99% of total population will hate me for them. =/ 
I think that would be all for today. I'll type tomorrow, if I don't die from my cold. =/ I'll leave you with these picture. 

Yeah, and in case you haven't realized yet, I'm a girl. =)