Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Operation Overdrive vs.... the Last Song? =)

Hey people!! Welcome back!! Yeah, I know I haven't published anything, but you know: school, and global warming. =P So onto today's theme!!
Before that, I just want to say that I'm done with Kamen Rider OOO, and I loved it!! The end made me cry: when Ankh was happy to 'die' since it meant he was not just a pile of medals. =,)

So, onto today's theme: so after finishing OOO, I started to watch Gogo Sentai Boukenger, and as such, I started to look things related to Operation Overdrive, (I couldn't find so much, since apparently, people hate it so much to even look at it). Anyway, I found a fanvideo related to Will and Ronny next to another Will and Ronny video, but the latter being one from The Last Song!!

Will, Ronny and Tyzonn, but since I'm talking about Will and Ronny, ignore Tyzonn  for now =)

Actually, I realized this last May in a field trip with my class. A girl put The Last Song, and I was falling asleep (It was night, and I was tired, ok?) but I heard the names, and the first thing that came to my mind was Will and Ronny from Operation Overdrive!! I remembered one of the only episodes I watched, which was Ronny on Empty. =) 

I watched very few episodes, so I don't know if Ronny and Will acutally got far, and after watching Boukenger's 14th episode (related to their conterparts, Natsuki and Masumi) I started to wonder about Will and Ronny and the origins to the novel and the movie. I even made a fanfic regarding the subject! =) 
What I'm surprised about is that no one actually pointed it out. Are the fandoms so different, or did people just hate Operation Overdrive so much they don't even mention it? I have to see Operation Overdrive to see if it's really worth all the hate.
So that's it for today. Bye! Happy day!! =)

Fangirl scream for 99.9% of the Austin and Ally fandom: one of my fandoms that have nothing to do with Japan!!! c: 
Ps, onto another fangirling, Austin and Ally kissed!! I knew it would eventually happen, though I didn't expect it would happen so soon. =/ Oh well... =) 
Pps, I wasn't waiting for it to happen, like many of you do, but I was hoping it would someday, and I didn't fangirl when I saw it, mainly because I was in public. =P 

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